Life is A Tin of Butter Cookies

 It all started when I was a child, I used to see my mum does her sewing of curtains on her sewing machine after her teaching job. One particular item that caught my attention amid all her sewing things  was a tin where she stored her bobbins and threads. It was a butter cookies tin of a particular brand. She had many of those. I always wondered how the cookies would taste like because I couldn’t recall tasting it. During one of our Christmas gathering, a relative of mine brought this tin of butter cookies when I was 12 years old. I tried it, and that was it. I was hooked on it for life.

I tried various other brand of butter cookies but it just didn’t sink in well with me. The butter content was not enough for me. I tasted the flour more than the creamery butter. Some of it were too sweet. I was researching on why this particular brand became my obsession. 

Apparently like how all other brands too claim, they say they use the freshest ingredient and so on. I just couldn’t find a brand that could match this particular brand. Whenever my friends asked me, what would you like for your birthday? It was an easy answer. I would say I want my favourite butter cookies. It was by then such an easy fix for everyone to hand me a present because if it’s that’s my favourite particular brand of butter cookies, they’d know I am a satisfied person.

It was like a personal record setting for me, every time when I got the cookies, I will guess how long it can last. In most instances it wouldn’t last more than three days (me solely eating the cookies by myself). Over the years , as I gained more friends at my workplace in school, my church and also my own music band , my colleagues would know of my fetish for butter cookies of these particular brand. They tried their best in getting the best butter cookies.

But over the years, I saw the taste of the butter cookies taking a new whole new turn. The taste was more outside the cookies rather than the inside. I ve realized I am not in a fanatical mode of eating only this particular brand of butter cookies. The taste of the butter cookies inside the tin now relied on who was giving me the cookies. Many times I would rush to grab the cookies on offer at supermarket and feel it bland. Ironically I had friends who on the rush to get something, sees butter cookies on sale and get one for me. Now I started enjoying these cookies though they are not the brand I am head over heels, they tasted the best. The creamery butter taste it gives me is like the milk that is just fresh from the farm and churned into a fresh butter within hours!! The thought of getting a butter cookies for a cookie nut case for me couldn’t melt my heart more than a of block butter on the surface of Venus!

P.s my fav brand is not in the photo 

My fetish for the butter cookies of that particular brand doesn’t play anymore role in my life, I used to see whether there is enough butter content in the ingredients on other brands but nowadays I see the amount of effort the people around me go all out to get a tin of butter cookies for me. Some of them would call me while they are in the shopping mall and ask me the brand. And I would say just get it regardless I know it’s not the brand I am fanatically in love with. 


I guess as I matured I ve realized that I was focusing more on the taste bud in the heart rather than the one on my tongue. A friend that thinks of you and gets you a butter cookie gives you a more creamy taste in your heart than in your mouth. My wife, my siblings and my mom has been faithfully sticking to the brand more than myself, has been always giving me butter cookies. And the sight of the butter cookies tin under the Christmas tree sums me up into an excited a kid. My wife doesn’t wrap the cookies because she wants me to smile on Christmas day when I see a butter cookie tin under the tree. The cookies given by her, over the years matured in taste. I could taste every little bit of ingredient from the cookies from her. I guess I was blinded by the brand at first, but am now blinded by the givers. 

My FB status years ago

As I was having my butter cookies presented by a colleague with my son whom has caught his father’s trait of eating butter cookies, just before logging out from Facebook I put my status as Life is a tin of butter cookies.


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